Ok so only 3 days into my blog and I missed a day...well sue me. I had the evening and so far all of this wonderful Sunday to myself and I used it! LOL Actually I've learned alot in the last 18 hours.
I'm a bit of a closet documentary enthusiast and since the invention of Netflix I can feed that desire with the click of a button. Last week I watched the documentary Super Size Me, yes I realize I'm a bit slow watching it but alas I have done it, and let me tell you I was shocked. If you have not watched it, it is well worth it, and will absolutely make you think.
Last night I watched Foodmatters. I was shocked at how the sickness and obesity crisis is so linked to our food. Now some of you may think, "Really, you didn't know that food made you fat?", but honestly its so much more than that. At a recent outing I noticed that at least I would say 70% of everyone in this one building was either obese or dangerous close, now that wasn't just adults, that was children too! I caught myself shaking my head in disbelief! The documentary introduced me to so many things that I can't even explain to you here, you MUST watch it to understand. There are huge corporations putting our farmers out of business. I've never been one for conspiracy theories, but I believe that even my 5 year old could see whats happening with our seed crisis.
I watched another documentary today called Food Inc. It was equally as intriguing and educated me on where we can start. We all want to do better and make better decisions, we're just not informed enough to make those decisions. And as the show addresses, its much easier and cheaper to buy meals for my family off of the dollar menu than it is to buy organic meats and veggies and actually cook them! I get it, I understand, but I also believe that us as a community and as a country are going to have to endure a little uncomfortable times if we want to make a difference. No one wants to have to spend time planning stuff, we want things to just happen for us. Why make extras at supper so that we can take our own food at lunch? Why buy organic veggies when I can buy 2 weeks worth of TV dinners for $50? We have to start standing up for ourselves! These are our bodies, and we're letting other people put poison into us at rock bottom prices!
Please consider watching these films and visiting www.takepart.com to see what changes we can begin making for ourselves and our children!
P.S. I'm sure by now someone has probably said "Wow you're worried about fitness and nutrition but you've been sitting on the couch watching movies for 2 days.". Well don't worry I exercised last night for an hour and 20 minutes and have worked in the flower beds and garden today, I'm good! LOL
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